Monday, January 11, 2016

Three Fundamental Techniques

in Handling People

Dale Carnegie

Technique 1: Don't criticize, condemn or complain.
“If you want to gather honey, don’t kick over the beehive.”
Image result for don't criticize
Image result for don't criticize

It is never a good idea to critize or judge because you dont know how sensitive they are to the situation. You can really hurt someone and make make them feel insecure about many things. If you want to make a friend you cant judge because then that would mean you are perfect but no one is perfect its called being a human being. Instead ask how you can help them. maybe you can help them feel better. 

Technique 2: Give honest and sincere appreciation
"The big secret in dealing with people"

When one looks up the meaning of the word "sincerity" you'll most likely get a definition like this:"the absence of pretence, deceit, or hypocrisy." That pretty much nails it. When someone is "sincere about something" one assumes that this person is thinking, talking, acting and writing without "pretence, deceit or hypocrisy".Do things out of the goodness of your heart; don't seek a reward or do things to acquire things from people. Don't do it or say it, unless you believe it from your heart.

Technique 3: Arouse in the other person an eager want.
"He who can do this has the whole world with him. He who cannot, walks a lonely way."


Honesty should always be number one handling people because you can not carry on with lies . Lying to someone makes them feel disrespected and that is one thing you don't want to do. I am a people person and have an internship at a hospital so i constantly using these principals. It helps because when people see that you are interested in them, it puts a big smile on their face.

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